
Software and Hardware I Use

Operating System

Linux Mint Deban Edition (LMDE)


I mainly use codium now.

Word Processor / Documents

LibreOffice. Recently I rewrote my Resume using LaTeX and learning the syntax from Luke Smith’s youtube channel.


I use Thunderbird with Fastmail. I have hosted my own e-mail server in the past using Vultr but they unexpectedly ceased allowing SMTP and SMTPS ports to be opened. I had an impossible time trying to find another VPS provider that allows self-hosting an e-mail server. People claimed that Hetzner allow this after a one month waiting period but I was denied when I opened tickets requesting the ports opened. There are a couple other ones that people claim allow it but their ip blocks are likely blacklisted from spam abuse anyway so there would be no point in doing that if nobody even would get my e-mails. It is against the terms of service of my ISP to host an e-mail server out of my house unless I were to pay for a business account. So I am stuck using Fastmail currently for my e-mail with a custom domain. If anyone knows a different solution please let me know.

Web Browser

Firefox. I used to use Brave. One of the things that made stop using Brave was when it was found that they appended their own affiliate links to the end of your URL when trying to go to certain cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance and Coinbase.


I mainly use a Lenovo t480. My favorite laptop is my w530 but it has terrible battery life. I am lucky to get 2 hours of use compared to the t480 that can last 12 hours. I put a t420 keyboard in the w530, flashed the Embedded Controller and then the bios with 1vyrain to allow Wifi card and aftermarket battery whitelisting, and most importantly to neuter the Intel Management Engine. Unfortunately me_cleaner can not fully remove the Intel ME or else the laptop will shut down after 30 minutes. I do have a t400 that I flashed with Libreboot to completely remove the Intel ME but the computer was made in 2008 so it is a bit slow for today and browsing on the modern web.


I use a custom PC I built.
